Terms of use

Please inform yourself about our privacy policy.  Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding our website and/or data protection.

Personal Data:
The collection and processing of your personal data takes place solely on a voluntary basis.  This data is only used by us or our third party service providers for the purpose of responding to contact and support inquiries, processing product promotions (e.g. contests, surveys) and/or other services.

Technical and/or Statistical Data:
When you use our website, some technical related data (e.g. Internet Protocol address) and/or statistical data (e.g. information regarding the date, time and length of your session, as well information about your telecommunication service) is collected automatically.  This information may allow assumptions to be made about your personal information.  When it is necessary for us to collect, process and use your technical and statistical data, we do so in accordance with the European Data Protection Act.
Automatically Collected,

Anonymous Data:
When you access our website, some anonymous information (e.g. internet browser, operating system, domain name of the referring page, number of visits, average session length and which pages you viewed) will be collected automatically.  We use this information for statistical purposes only.

Use of our Internet Site:
The text and images on our internet site are copyright protected.  They may not be copied or reproduced – neither for private nor for commercial use.

This website contains links to third party sites. Despite regular evaluations of these websites, we are not liable for their content, security, or privacy policies.

Questions and Concerns:
We are happy to answer your questions regarding the disclosure, correction, completion or deletion of your personal data. Please use the general contact form for this purpose